MyoTrac Infiniti
Order No. T9800
MyoTrac Infinit has 2 channels of high-resolution surface electromyography (SEMG) and 2 channels of electrical stimulation (NMES). The display on the encoder (handheld equipment) can be shown in bargraphs, linegraphs and digital displays. The handheld unit connects to a computer by a USB cable for use with the Biograph Infiniti software.

MyoTrac Infiniti With Biograph Software
Order No. T9850
This powerful software has attractive graphics and animation to help aid in the biofeedback experience. The software proposes various assessment and training protocols with helpful guidelines for beginners, as well as experts. This is an unbelievable systems at a reasonable cost!

Pathway MR-20
Order No. 9710
The MR-20 is a dual channel electromyography (EMG) unit with Alpha/Numeric LCD display. This easy to operate unit has continuous operation or work/rest prompts, automatic data storage with a functional electrical stimulator interface. The handheld unit connects to a computer by a USB cable for use with the Telesis software.

This top of the line software provides real-time features with extensive display choices, patient protocols and computer generated goal. It also has added features which can be attached to your document such as questionnaires, history, exams, related procedures, diagnostic codes and plan of care.

Telesis Software
Order No. 9250
Myotrac 3 With Rehab Suite Order No. T9920
The MyoTrac 3 with Rehab Suite is a highly sensitive, portable, computerized , dual-channel sEMG interface. This system allows clinicans to monitor two muscle sites simultaneously. The Rehab Suite combines Thought Technology’s powerful Biograph Infiniti software with specialized protocols, screens, animations and statistics designed to provide customized rehabilitation treatment for your patients.

Aware EMG
Order No. 5090K
The Aware EMG is a wearable instrument for accurate, real-time monitoring of two muscle sites. It features a wireless connection to the PC, easy to use biofeedback software with clinically sound protocols and clear, informative reports. Being wireless is an important benefit, since it allows freedom of movement and certain movements are closely associated with urine loss. Simultaneous monitoring of the activity of the pelvic and accessory (abdominal) muscles makes it easier for patients to learn to isolate muscles and develop better control.

Order No. T4000
The single-channel EMG MyoTrac is the perfect combination of sensitivity and ease of use. The light weight, yet sturdy case lends itself for use in both the clinic and home. Versatile features such as three sensitivity ranges, visual and alarm feedback make this the ideal tool for muscle strenghtening, rehabilitation, and EMG relaxation.
Gently Used $399